Thursday, December 17, 2009

GM Did Good

You never know whose attention you‟ll attract when you‟re driving a new Camaro. Deborah Kyles-
Williams, Quality Systems manager at Powertrain Toledo, ran into someone who was very interested,
below is an article she wrote for PowerLine, the plant‟s newsletter. Read on to find out who.
“This past weekend I was driving one of GM Powertrain Toledo's test vehicles - 2010 Chevrolet Camaro
that is HOT! It is dark blue with white racing stripes on the hood. You can imagine the number of looks
this car attracted.
“Saturday morning before 9 a.m., I stopped into the Arborland Starbucks off US 23 in Ann Arbor,
Michigan. There was a gentleman in line directly in front of me that seemed to know all of the Starbucks
personnel. I didn't pay attention to the person then, but when I came out of the Starbucks, he was
standing beside the Camaro. I asked him if he liked the vehicle and he emphatically stated „yes.‟
“The gentleman and I started talking about vehicle response times, design and general car talk for about
ten minutes. He stated he was with the competition and gestured toward a red Ford pick-up beside the
Camaro. I told him I did not view Ford as the competition as we are all in the same boat - trying to stay
solvent in this economy. I made a couple of statements concerning Ford's positive financial status and
said I hoped both Ford and GM continued to improve.
“The gentleman leaned into the Camaro and I asked if he would like to sit in it. He looked surprised and
said „really?‟ I replied „sure‟ and offered to hold his coffee. He got into the vehicle and we talked about
what was really working and he stated the only thing he did not like was the blank space on the dash and
the type of plastic used (he thought a softer plastic would have looked better).
“The gentleman got out of the vehicle and asked me my name. I introduced myself, stated I worked at the
Toledo Transmission plant as Quality Systems manager and was proud to say, Toledo produces the
transmission for the Camaro along with launching a front-wheel-drive. The gentleman said „I know.‟ We
shook hands as I asked him his name, to which he replied, „Bill Ford.‟ I was visibly taken aback when I
asked „The Bill Ford?‟ He smiled and answered „yes.‟
Bill Ford Jr. and I talked another five minutes. When parting he stated „I hate to say this, but you guys
(GM) did good!‟
“Remember to use all the tools available to you as you perform your jobs. We at Toledo are integral in
GM's success by ensuring defect free transmissions that are in GM vehicles everyone admires and wants
to drive - even Bill Ford Jr.”